Category Archives: Who’s That Chick

about Me

Who’s That Chick

It’s the age old interview question, “Tell me about yourself?”

It may be a job interview, a first date, or the crazy hippie that had just left burning man that was destined to sit beside you on the airplane (true story flying LAX—>SYD). I could give you the cliffs notes and sum it up as, “I grew up in Kingston, have an awesome family, have experienced some incredible endeavours, and my soul is always hungry to find another piece of life’s puzzle.”

That sentence speaks the truth, but fails to answer the question. Yes, where we are from and what we have done plays an integral part in shaping the person we become, but does it really define who we are?

By society’s definition,

I guess you could say I have lived life beating to my own drum with a bus full of groupies I picked up for the ride along the way. It’s been a lifelong festival, but it is simply a few pages in my own history book.

I strongly believe that who I am as a person is reflective in what I love to do. I love to create. That’s who I am. I strive to channel my energy into creating laughter, a delicious meal, a radical friendship, a candid moment, a pretty dress, or a beautiful disaster I like to call my bedroom.

From the wise words of my guru, Jim Carey…

You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.

So here I am, sharing with you all the things that I love to create. Enjoy my friends!

Life through reflective lenses
Life through reflective lenses